Jun 26, 2009

The blog in a pouring rain

Such a lazy afternoon has come over such a lazy blogger! Randy has been so poor lately that he can't post.... well, actually, yes he can, but then he becomes lazy again.

I just don't know! Can I blame it on the rain? It's pouring hard out there, but I'm indoors, so the rain is no reason for not posting often.

I'm so desperate, i can't find any excuse, :( poor little randy has no excuses. And as you should now, there isn't anything worse than having no excuse at all. If I'd had a excuse, I'd just say it and then everybody would think: oh poor little randy, how can this happen to him!

But the sad part is when asking my self: how can poor little randy make them say so if poor little randy not so poor, oh no!!!!!!! poor little randy not having excuses for being a poor little one!!!!!

D'you think I'm nuts? Gosh, no!! It's just that I'm so poooooooor little me and that this is such a poor little blog!!!!