May 19, 2009

Stuck in the garage

Roommates? Someone might say that it's much better living alone but if I wouldn't have one, how am I supposed to enter my place?

It was 8am when I was tumbling around the apartment, getting crazy cos I had to go to work, and of course 8am is the time when I'm supposed to be sit at my gray cubicle desk and, just as usual, I run out as fast as I could without noticing that I took the wrong keychain. It was my keychain, yes, but one key was missing...

The night before I was entering home, just the very same way that every single costa rican guy living in Costa Rica does:

1. Stop that buzzing in your pocket produced by all of the keys in your keychain.
2. Get one key to open the outside gate, after more or less three attempts you might get the right one, do it fast cos you don't want any homeless guy to come over and ask for money, or even more usual, any guy with a real home that might pull over from his Hyundai car, point at you with a gun and gently and calmly ask for your wallet (Not sure that this is usual but paranoiac lifestyle culture here makes you think that it happens more often).
3. After closing the unsafe but at last already locked outdoor gate, deal with your key holder again to find the key to open the next gate that "protects" the door, three attempts more and there you are, one more open black bars gate opened.
4. And finally, your door... if you have already get used to managing all the keys, you might find the right one, you already know it, it's not the shorter, not the larger, but that's it! Open that old brown wooden door! But, hey... the door is tricky today, move it left, now right, try again, oh gosh, it's broken.

Fortunately, there wasn't any part of the broken key stuck into the door lock; fortunately, I did open the door and even better, I remembered that there was and additional keychain with all the keys somewhere inside, not my key holder but useful, one that I've forgot inside next day and now I'll wait until the evening comes, praying god that my roommate behave like a good little girl and shows up early (Hey please roommate, not partying on today!); otherwise I can open the outside gate, lock it if I feel like, stay in the garage with my car parked, the car key inside the house and my self stuck in that red tiles floor boring 3mx4m garage with my loved randymovil tiny car but with anywhere else to go.

Note... this material is posted by Poor "L" Randy, the "L" comes from little, so far not from looser, well that what i hope!